Go the Hatters’ Heritage website https://www.hattersheritage.co.uk
Interested in the history of the club? Why not join Hatters’ Heritage, a newly formed Society for Luton Town Football Club history. The Chairman is the Club Historian, Roger Wash.
The Objects of the Society are for the advancement of education to benefit the public by encouraging the preservation and appreciation of the heritage and history of Luton Town Football Club.
The Society aims to achieve these objects by means of:
- meetings, lectures and visits
- the publication of historical studies
- the holding of exhibitions, seminars and other related activities
The Society will also raise money in order to acquire items relating to the club such as ephemera, memorabilia and artistic works. It is hoped that there will be a Heritage Centre at the Power Court ground where these can be displayed.
The Society aims to share everything by means of a dedicated website. This website aims to hold every photo, programme, minute book entry, match report and more plus a section dedicated to the fans and their memories.
Joining is a bit clunky at the moment (it will be easier in time as we tick off the 1000 and 1 tasks that a new Society has to do) so please see the joining details on the application form below.
For this you will get a badge (which should arrive in the next month) plus a newsletter, reduced rates to social functions and a chance to have a say in the Society.
[si-contact-form form=’3′]
You can pay on line by sending payment to:-
Metro Bank
A/C no. 28319355
Sort Code : 23:05:80
Please make sure your name is entered as part of the reference.